

Maths week

Last week, Senior School students were immersed in Maths Week when they faced a number of challenge...

Autumn Serenade

Last Tuesday evening we were treated to a musical extravaganza in the Richards Hall. The audience e...

U12’s Football

The U12's started their Reading league campaign with three games hosted at Bohunt School, Wokingham...

Lower IV Christmas Carol

On Friday, Quantum Theatre Company came to perform ‘A Christmas Carol’ to Lower IV, w...

Pasties in Upper IV

In the UK we waste around one third of the food we buy every year, which works out to be about £800...

Space ships, time machines, teachers, friends and gateways

The title comes from a letter that writer and professor of Biochemistry Isaac Asimov sent to celebr...

Upper VI Philosophy and Theology walking Trip to Reading

On Friday 3 March, Upper VI Philosophy and Theology A Level students visited different retail estab...

Is it reasonable to believe in God?

A palpable buzz of excitement filled the lecture theatre at the University of Oxford's Department f...

Spanish Carnivals

This week in Spanish we have been learning about many different Spanish carnivals.  Everyone c...

The Jo Trott Memorial Lecture

For this year’s Jo Trott lecture, on Tuesday evening The Abbey welcomed Mr Philip Charlesworth BM M...

Latest News

Things that matter

We all have creative encounters we remember forever. A film we never forget; the first sight of a p...

Curiosity Fair

Curiosity Fair: Wednesday 5 February On Wednesday 5 February students from Upper IV, Lower IV an...

Vitality Netball Nations Cup

On Sunday 9 February, the PE department took a selection of students who have represented the schoo...