Abbey Connected


Things that matter

We all have creative encounters we remember forever. A film we never forget; the first sight of a p...

Changing of the Guard

Picture an officer in your mind. Now picture a real officer from history. How about a fictiti...

Golden Connections

One of the many joys of working in a through school, as I’ve previously touched on, is seeing t...

A Message from the Deputy Head Girls: Celebrating Our School Highlights

As we approach the end of our time at The Abbey, the Deputy Head Girls wanted to share some of thei...

The ‘Me of Me’

Shortly after I had the honour of joining The Abbey community, I found myself captivated by a discu...

New Year, Familiar Faces

This term started, somewhat improbably, with the ‘Christmas reunion’ for the classes of 2024, 2023 ...

Change and becoming

I start with an apology for the image that accompanies this article. It is not something that anyon...


It’s been a year punctuated by a glittering succession of awards, moments when we have celebrated t...

The Moment of Truth

In the course of an education, many testing moments will occur; indeed, several can happen within t...

‘All clear above and behind? Take up slack. All out…’

As we applauded Abby from Lower Sixth for becoming a solo glider pilot during last week’s celebrati...

Other Articles

Reading School BBQ

As part of the ongoing joint enterprise with Reading School, our Head Girls organised a BBQ and act...

Maths week

Last week, Senior School students were immersed in Maths Week when they faced a number of challenge...
