Monthly Archives: November, 2023


The Circuit: Social Engineering

This week’s topic for The Circuit is Social Engineering; essentially exploiting human psycholog...

Save the date – Candlelit Procession

Monday 4 December All Abbey families are invited to join us after school on Monday 4 D...

A State of Mind

At The Abbey, we’ve always sought to show the full spectrum of womanhood across age, race, religion...

Festival of Music and Dance

At the weekend I performed in the Maidenhead Festival of Music and Dance. I competed in the G1 cate...

Diwali in Reception

Reception made a vibrant start to their new Unit of Inquiry, in which we will be thinking about ‘Ex...

The Landlord’s Cat

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, both Lower and Upper Prep performed their production of 'The L...

Girls Advocacy

On Wednesday 15 November I was fortunate enough to be a part of the Girls Advocacy Event hosted at ...

Taylor Library: 50th Anniversary

Thursday 16 November saw the culmination of the library 50th anniversary celebrations in which ther...

Abbey Interludes

I think that the interludes recital went very well this year as so many people from a range of year...

Maths week

Last week, Senior School students were immersed in Maths Week when they faced a number of challenge...
