

Night of Rock Podcast – S3EP5

We have a special music edition of ‘Podcast with A Cake’ this week! We got to catch up with the ...

Pupils’ Concert

Last Thursday Kensington Hall was filled with the sound of music at the Junior School’s annual Pupi...

Recital Review

I think the interludes recital went well! Although there were only two of us it was so nice how peo...

GSA Choir of the Year

Early on Sunday morning the Chamber Choir made their way to Wimbledon High School for the final of ...

Interludes Recital

The Interludes Recital Series resumed on Wednesday when three performers shared their talents with ...

Jubilate Choir Tour to Wales

On the final Wednesday of term, the Junior School Jubilate Choir headed off on tour to Broadhaven i...

RAF Squadronaires Concert

On Thursday 25 January we gathered in the Richards Hall for an unforgettable evening of music and t...

Interludes Recital

Three pianists and one violinist were well received by the appreciative audience at our Interl...

Interludes Recital

The Interludes Recital Series resumed on Wednesday and it was wonderful to hear some beautiful solo...

Christmas Carol performance at Hexagon

Katherine (Upper II), Zuleyha (Upper II), Emma (Lower III) and Gayatri (Seniors) were invited to pe...

Latest News

Things that matter

We all have creative encounters we remember forever. A film we never forget; the first sight of a p...

Curiosity Fair

Curiosity Fair: Wednesday 5 February On Wednesday 5 February students from Upper IV, Lower IV an...

Vitality Netball Nations Cup

On Sunday 9 February, the PE department took a selection of students who have represented the schoo...