Student Recital


To absorb myself in this experience helped me to improve my performing skills but also provided a fascinating glimpse into the different world of music.

Watching the varied pieces played by others on instruments unfamiliar to me was very helpful since I could also listen to different types of styles. Each performer performed a unique piece, showing different emotions. From Elva on the violin to Esme and Sophia on the guitar and Jo and I on the piano. This also helped Esme and Sophia who had exams coming up.

So participating in the Interludes Recital can help you in all ways. There were a lot of different genres including classical pieces in which Elva performed the First movement from Concerto in A minor by Bach and Jo performed Sonatina by Clementi. We also had a Romantic style in which I played L’orage (The Storm) by Burgmüller and we had Modern where Esme played Bad Jack and Sophia performed No-man’s Land.

Overall I found that it was a really intriguing experience that helped me with my performing skills. 

Livia , Upper III

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