

Studio Sounds

On Tuesday 12th March, Pupils from LI to LIII entertained friends and relations in the latest Studi...

Future Self Letters

At the end of January, Miss Kaura challenged Junior School students to consider writing a letter to...

Trip to Tesco 

Inspired by the John Burningham story entitled, The Shopping Basket, Reception wrote a shopping lis...

Woodley Festival Successes

Manxi from Lower III, has spent the last two weekends performing at Woodley Festival. The young mus...

Reading Hockey Team

Grace and her Reading U10s Hockey team finished top against four other Berkshire teams in the Engla...

‘What if the Earth was actually flat?’

If the Earth had an edge, what would it look like? I know, I know we’ve all heard this before, but ...

The Wind in the Willows

The corridors in Kensington have been alive with anticipation as our talented Lower I and Upper I s...

Animal Sounds

Nursery have been exploring pitch in music through animal sounds.  They have been bouncing up ...

Woodley Festival

On Saturday 5 March all four choirs from the Junior School travelled to Emmbrook School for the cho...

Barnardo’s National Choral Competition

An early start on Tuesday 5 March saw Chamber Choir start their long journey to Symphony Hall, Birm...

Other Articles

GCHQ Challenge

In our festive maths lesson today, Lower V and Upper V participated in the GCHQ Christmas challenge...

Currency Design Winners

Congratulations to Lottie, Ana, Emma and Charlotte in Lower V for winning this year's currency desi...
