

Dance performance

Aahana Bellur in Upper III had an opportunity to showcase a couple of Bharatnatyam dance performanc...

Samba and Tango

Heidi in Upper III recently competed in a dance competition - with amazing results in both discipli...

Bharatnatyam Dance

Suhani in Upper V and her Bharatnatyam dance team based in Reading were recently declared winners o...

Brazilian Samba Workshop

Kensington Hall was alive with the sound of the Brazilian Samba on Wednesday this week.  Upper II l...

Dancing Success

Ana, Lower V had a very successful half term. She attended the Hounslow Dance Festival and achieved...

Urban Strides Street Dance Workshop

As part of Arts Week at The Abbey Juniors, on Tuesday students enjoyed a Street Dance workshop from...

Lower III Assembly 

This week's Lower III assembly was a celebration of the UN Day of the Girl and the students of ...

Character Dance – Bronze medals

Congratulations to Summer and Ruby in Upper Prep who have won a Bronze Medal in Character Dance wit...

Dancing Stars

Naomi (Upper II) and Sienna (Reception) attended the National Association of Teachers of Dancing (N...

Diwali Celebrations

As part of Diwali celebrations, Anaisha and her dance troupe participated in the Diwali Mela held i...

Latest News

Food and Nutrition

LVB had been set an assignment to make a 3 course meal under £5 as part of our affordable living pr...

Stunning IB Results at The Abbey

Every year we celebrate exceptional performances by Abbey students in the globally respected IB Dip...

Summer Term Gateway Highlights

While it's challenging to capture all the incredible events and memories of the term, we've done ou...