Food and Nutrition


LVB had been set an assignment to make a 3 course meal under £5 as part of our affordable living project. We all researched finding the cheapest ingredients, dishes requiring the least electrical energy and reducing food wastage.

We were grateful to receive some wonderful freshly picked seasonal vegetables from The Abbey Gardening Club which we incorporated into our dishes. Since the vegetables and salad were home grown this meant the cost was lowered even more while adding wonderful flavours! I feel like this practical has really helped us to get an understanding and gain knowledge about the cost of living crisis.

We all successfully managed to create dishes which were both nutritious and inexpensive. We also loved the company of our Chair of the school Governors, Mrs Harrison in the lesson and we were able to share our knowledge with her.
Overall we all enjoyed our affordable dishes assignment, learnt a ton of new facts and methods, while learning about the cost of living crisis and how to make the best of what we have.

Written by Tia, Lower V

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