On Wednesday we made some delicious chicken nuggets in our food nutrition lesson, and the aim was to learn about how to handle raw meat and the temperature it needs to be to be safe to eat, which we learned about last week. We began with cutting up our raw chicken into even pieces on a red board. The red board is important, we remember which one by saying “red for raw”. Then we crushed our cornflakes, which made a nice crispy coating on the cooked chicken. After that we laid out the chicken, flour, egg and cornflakes in order to make coating it safe and quick . Once the pieces were all coated and on the trays we did a final check to make sure they were evenly coated, then put them in the oven with oven gloves on into a hot pre-heated oven for about 20 minutes.
When they were fully cooked we took them out of the oven and used a thermometer to check if they were over 750c (that is the temperature meat should be at or above when it is safe to eat.) We did a double check by cutting a large one open to make sure it was not pink inside and was safe to eat.
They tasted amazing, my family loved them and were so much healthier than normal chicken nuggets because they were baked and hand made.
Isabella, Upper III