UI have been looking at the different elements used in advertising. Today we were creating slogans for The Abbey School. We thought that you’d like to see them.
The Abbey School …..
For Inquiring, Intelligent minds
The Gateway to inquiring minds
The Gateway to success
Where girls rule!
Learn, Love and Laugh
Love, Live, learn
The happiest place to learn
Taste the best education
Lit up by learning
Where girls learn and rule!
I’m learnin’ it!
Lighting up the path
Brightening lives one at a time
Where dreams fly high
Find happiness here!
For Intelligent, Inquiring girls
Lightens up learning
Let Learning come true
A girl’s dream come true!
Be part of the dream team
Grow, learn, laugh & play
From 3 to 18… the place to be seen
Abbey Girl Power!
Happy at The Abbey
Take every step at The Abbey