

Outdoor Residential

Our Lower IV students had a great time on their Outdoor Residential this year. Our aim was to c...

Upper I trip to Avon Tyrrel

The Upper I students took on the great outdoors last week at Avon Tyrrell. From ziplining throug...

Lower I to Ufton Court

Last week, Lower I had a wonderful time on their first ever residential at Ufton Court. A two day, ...

Avon Tyrrell Residential

Last week, the Upper I students had a lovely time exploring Avon Tyrrell on their two night residen...

Upper Prep Pre-Residential

For their pre-Rresidential, Upper Prep spent a recent Friday evening working in teams to complete a...

Latest News

Food and Nutrition

LVB had been set an assignment to make a 3 course meal under £5 as part of our affordable living pr...

Stunning IB Results at The Abbey

Every year we celebrate exceptional performances by Abbey students in the globally respected IB Dip...

Summer Term Gateway Highlights

While it's challenging to capture all the incredible events and memories of the term, we've done ou...