Heads: Connected


Prom or Ball?

Prom? Ball? What’s the actual difference, and does it matter?  Well: Monday evening’s wonde...

The power of words

Benjamin Franklin said: "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing ." Stud...

There are seven days in a week. “One day” isn’t one of them

Seems irritatingly judgemental, doesn’t it? But it also makes me think. How do we decide what to do...

How to Hypnotise a Chicken

There is more than one answer to this question; and, of course, it prompts other questions - not le...

Heads Connected

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever” - Mahatma Gandhi Ano...

The Art of the Question

The question is one of the central concepts in all education. In one sense the question is the end-...

Peace. Love. Joy

We started 2022 as the world turned the tide against the pandemic, our thoughts dominated by the ne...

Heads Connected: Community at the Heart

Each Junior School student within our care joins us at a tender stage in their personal development...

Heads Connected: Yes you can

What do a bullied asthmatic teenager from Bradford and a research chemist working for a confectiona...

Heads’ Connected: by Mrs Kaura

On CuSO4 What are your most meaningful memories of your days at school? Did they include that mo...

Latest News

Things that matter

We all have creative encounters we remember forever. A film we never forget; the first sight of a p...

Curiosity Fair

Curiosity Fair: Wednesday 5 February On Wednesday 5 February students from Upper IV, Lower IV an...

Vitality Netball Nations Cup

On Sunday 9 February, the PE department took a selection of students who have represented the schoo...