Heads: Connected


Heads’ Connected: Ideas + Passion

A major element of The Abbey’s curriculum is all the activity we are bringing together under our Id...

Heads’ Connected: I contain multitudes

This heavily memed mantra of the Internet age originates from American poet Walt Whitman’s ‘Song of...

Heads’ Connected: The power of humility

Girls don’t want to be leaders. So ran a headline in The Observer last Sunday, based on a survey of...

Heads Connected:An opportunity, a solace, a thrill

I have always loved the back-to-school rituals of the autumn term. They present a blank slate, full...


December 26, 1920. A huge crowd arrives at Goodison Park for a Boxing Day football fixture. The gro...

A (female) life well lived

It is testament to the respect felt for Queen Elizabeth II that she was honoured this week by perha...

Heads Connected: A time to reflect

Some of the most important experiences in all of our lives are those that bind us. Moments when by ...

Heads: Connected – The point of it all

Many strange tasks befall a head of school: and this week brought what is always one of the strange...

Heads Connected: One Voice

Sing and dance to it. Listen, and feel it. We start each morning assembly uplifted by inspiring mus...

Heads: Connected – Champions

There is only one word for the events of this week: exhilaration. Monday brought the joyous news...

Latest News

Gateway Highlights

Summer Term Week 5 – Gateway Highlights https://player.vimeo.com/video/947370362?h=74574c838c&a...

School Council

Previously, school council was a termly meeting of form representatives and members of the student ...

Mental Health First Aid

This week marked Mental Health Awareness Week, so the four of us decided to run a Skills 4 Life ses...