Food and Nutrition


Lower VI students have recently started learning about Diet and Nutrition within their A Level PE lessons. Miss Whelan, from the PE Department, and Mrs Mair, from the Food Department, decided to combine forces and deliver a cross-curricular practical lesson for the students. Their task was to research an athlete of their choice’s typical nutrition plan, then collectively design a meal that would incorporate all of the different food groups and make a meal that they would enjoy. 

On Friday, the students took to the kitchen in their aprons and made some delicious chicken wraps from scratch, with a selection of salad, peppers and fresh guacamole. They also whipped up a healthy five fruit smoothie and some light protein pancakes for dessert. Miss Whelan and Mrs Mair were lucky enough to try some of the leftovers, and can confirm that it all tasted great! A special thank you to Mrs Mair for sharing your expertise and well done to the students for their impressive efforts – we hope you enjoyed the change of scenery and active learning experience!

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