Upper III Success at Woodley


Over the last two weekends I participated and competed in the Woodley Festival of Music and Arts. I have been taking part in the festival since I was 7 years old. This gives me a great opportunity to perform in front of a professional adjudicator and supportive audience, as well as meeting other musicians and listening to them perform different genres of music. 

This year I took part in three classes of pianoforte and was awarded a gold medal in the Sonata/Sonatina 12 years and under, bronze in Piano solo 12 years and under and bronze in Grade 6 piano solo. This is my first time participating in the sonata class and I really enjoyed playing a very lively Sonatina in C Major op.36 by Clementi.

The adjudicator Helen Leek wrote everyone a comment sheet with useful feedback and also demonstrated how the pieces can be further improved and I find it helpful for my exam preparation and future performances.

I look forward to participating again in next year’s festival.

Jo , Upper III

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