Student Website: Philosophy and Theology


This year has seen the launch of the new Philosophy and Theology student website

Students can find course information, advice, suggested reading, inspiration, competition results, homework, and endless opportunities for stretch and enrichment. Older students can also find exam preparation and guidance for university and beyond.

For homework this year, students from UIII – UIV are working on their Extended Learning Challenge. For each topic we study, there are four lists of challenges to choose from. These aim to stretch and challenge students beyond the course material and always comprise opportunities to read, research, listen / watch and create. Students get to choose which challenges they want to complete to fill the allotted time and keep a record of what they have learned or thought about from completing each challenge.

At the end of each topic, students have the opportunity to share something they have learned with their class. There are ROSAs available for the best pieces of learning and some will be featured on our website as examples for future year cohorts. If students have done exceptionally well, they could also be nominated for the subject prize at the end of the school year.

The suggested challenges on the website are not there to limit students, so they are free to suggest their own ideas and explore relevant areas of interest. We are confident that by completing challenges, students will engage their curiosity and develop greater independence as learners.

All areas of the website are living, growing spaces, so we hope you will revisit and look out for ongoing updates. 

Happy scrolling!

Mrs Jest, Head of Philosophy and Theology

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