Nursery & Reception Sports Day 2023


We were very lucky with the weather for this year’s Nursery and Reception Sports Day. The morning started with a parade in the four houses, then the children enjoyed the four different activity zones. Following this, Nursery and Reception parents were invited to join in with fun activities. Finally, all the children, staff and parents danced with bubbles!

On behalf of the PE department and myself,  I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for supporting  Nursery & Sports Day on 16 May. We were delighted to have your help and hope that you found the event enjoyable and memorable. As you can see from the comments below, it was a great success!

Special thanks go to the Nursery team, Marketing department, Admin team,  Maintenance team, Technical team and Catering. I  am so grateful for all your support and always believe that any organisation will meet with success by showing teamwork.

One reception parent commented, “Thank you for a lovely energetic morning. We loved watching the girls and also participating”

Mrs Alniacik-Walton

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