Maths Week


As part of Maths Week England 2023, Upper I students have been inquiring into Area. 

This week they had the opportunity to design their own ‘Area Robot’ and work out the area of its different body parts. They have also found out the area of their name, played various games involving area and worked out the area of different spaces around the classroom. 

In Upper II, students have been inquiring into 2D and 3D shapes and much more! They explored the properties of the humble tetrahedron: a 3D shape with 4 equilateral triangular faces. First, students had to try and make one freehand and they soon learned the importance of measurement, angles and precision! Next, they explored the endless possibilities of interlinking, repeating 3D patterns and even made some shapes from the shapes

In Art, with inspiration from a study of the artist, M.C. Escher, Upper II created tessellating patterns by forming their own templates from a square piece of paper. This involved cutting out a shape from one side and translating it to the opposite side of the square to form interlocking shapes.

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