Lower VI visit California Country Park


On Thursday and Friday, the Lower VI IB group courageously trekked through California Country Park to cut down trees in order to preserve a previously unfavourable environment.

As part of this effort to restore the heathland, we helped to burn the trees that were cut down in order to clear space for new vegetation to grow. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn new practical skills such as how to use a bow saw and loppers.

Additionally, our time spent at California Country Park presented us with the chance to develop our teamwork skills and to spend some time away from our academic studies and from our screens. This also gave us a chance to take some time appreciating the natural world around us and we really enjoyed the two days that we spent at California Country Parks helping out to preserve the natural environment.

A word from our students:

On Thursday and Friday we went to California Country Park and participated in the preservation of the heathlands. This entailed chopping down birch with saws, and using clippers to trim down the thorns as well as managing the fire which the self proclaimed fire patrol took very seriously! We even got the opportunity to saw down a big tree which was an entirely new experience. This was our CAS project which combined creativity, activity and service which is a part of the international baccalaureate.

We got to spend two days out of the classroom and surrounded by nature and it was very calming (although at times hard work). By the end of the two days seeing the progress we had made at the end was fulfilling as we’d helped the environment and the workers at California Country Park. Never did I think that picking IB would turn me into a lumberjack but it did and it was a very fun and exciting experience. 

Hope, Helen and Kayla

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