At the end of last term Upper IV took part in a one-day workshop run by Young Enterprise, which involved a fast-paced, activity-based challenge to help them understand how a commercial business works. Each team created different companies to develop, market and sell an exciting new business idea. The students gained an insight into the world of business through a range of different roles.
Launch Pad Enterprise day did not disappoint. Initially we did a teambuilding exercise to help us to get to know our team better through a memory game, where we were given pictures and had two minutes to write down as much information as possible, and after we were quizzed on the contents of the pictures. Although I was quite sceptical of the upcoming bird personality test, which would sort you into four bird personality groups: a peacock, an eagle, a dove and an owl, it described people fairly well. When picking our business for the day, we ended up getting a tech company that also offered training courses for students, which we named BitTech. While reviewing our new company we started to debate over our loan amount, and from then on, I was part of the design team, therefore not really being a part of the financial side of things, but spent time designing the logo and with others, our website and social media pages. I enjoyed marketing BitTech and running around drawing information posters for our display board. Thanks to our leader, we won the award for ‘Best Pitch’. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and gained some important skills for the future!!