Junior School Author Visit – Chris Lloyd


The Lower I & Upper I classes had an incredible afternoon with amazing non-fiction author, publisher and historian, Chris Lloyd. 

Chris presented the single volume ‘Britannia All New Children’s Encyclopedia’ which contains all new material, explores a wide range of topics and is divided into eight chapters by subject: Universe, Earth, Matter, Life, Humans, Ancient & Medieval Times, Modern Times, and Today & Tomorrow.  

The encyclopaedia lends itself beautifully to the Units of Inquiry that the students are studying as part of the Junior School Primary Years Programme (PYP).  Chris worked with 100+ experts from around the world to edit the encyclopaedia and take Britannica’s reputation for authentic, trustworthy information to a whole new and younger audience. 

During his sessions with the Lower I and Upper I students Chris set up quizzes, based on the book, using ‘quizlet.’ The students worked in teams with iPads. Navya and Emily were the winning team for Lower I and, in a race against the teachers, Renat, Tara and Kiara won for Upper I. It was a fun and educational afternoon absolutely endorsing Chris’s words that ‘The real world is far more amazing than anything you could make up!

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