Igniting Writing Event


What if big corporations were able to project their advertisements inside a person’s thoughts, giving them the ability to constantly promote their products, even in dreams?

What if nutritional scientists worked out how to fit all the essential vitamins humans need into a single pill – and taking this pill once a day meant that people no longer needed to eat, drink, or even sleep?

On Friday 24 March, Upper III and Upper II students were invited to grapple with some interesting philosophical questions at the ‘Igniting Writing’ event. Alex Baker, who runs a successful creative writing club at Wokingham Library, invited students to write science fiction stories based on thought-provoking futuristic scenarios.

Alex also led a fantasy fiction workshop in which students became the heroes of their own quest narratives. Their object was to locate the ingredients for a life-saving elixir, deciding how best to employ their magical tools to overcome obstacles:

‘Without hesitation, I pounded my hammer into the flower. It burst almost immediately, releasing the entirety of the magic water it had wrongfully taken. The river flowed once more and the mermaids thanked me for my brilliant achievement and gave me the scale I had requested.

I held it up to the sun as its beautiful chromatic shine gave off many vibrant colours.’ Beatriz, Upper III

The students enjoyed the chance to use their creativity and imagination as well as exercising their critical thinking skills. Alex’s club takes place on Saturdays during term time, and spaces can be booked by contacting Wokingham Library.

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