The National Psychology Competition 2022 – Royal Holloway University of London


The National Psychology Competition is an annual event that challenges students to think about psychology beyond the scope of their specifications. 

Two teams of five Abbey psychology students took part and were challenged to design a poster and create an accompanying video which would serve to answer the question “how can psychology be used to help problems in society”.

One team focussed on the impact of colour psychology and the other on alternative coping mechanisms for mental health conditions. Both teams created fantastic posters and videos and had become experts in their own niche area. This allowed them to have detailed conversations about the topics with the judges who were impressed by the approaches that they had taken.

Royal Holloway University of London put on an excellent event for all students who came from over 20 schools nationwide and the girls were able to gain a small insight into university life by attending several keynote talks and university-style psychology lectures.

Sadly, we did not take away the prize, but the girls enjoyed themselves on a very engaging day and were excellent ambassadors for The Abbey School. Well done, girls!

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