During the last week of the Spring term students in Upper Prep – Lower III took part in the annual House Music competition. Over 150 students participated in the solo classes to earn points for their houses, with all then joining together to sing their house song to earn ‘double’ points.

Mr Thornton and Ms Bilkey judged the different year groups and were impressed with the confidence of the individual performers and the team work and energy shown in their house singing.The winners for each year group were:
Lower and Upper Prep Kensington
Lower I Carrington
Upper I Paget
Upper II Kensington
Lower III Carrington

Once all the points were tallied the overall winner of House Music this year was Carrington; well done to all who took part, from those who had only had a handful of lessons and played their first ever solo to the accomplished musicians who have been learning for years.
It was fabulous to hear music-making across the school and we look forward to having the school back together for House Music next year.
Mrs Adams