For a whole week, the school has been encouraging students to be led by their curiosity. Years 7-9 have had no homework, allowing them the time to investigate an area that they are curious about. With guidance about how to get started, it has been over to the students to follow their own questions and make new discoveries. There have been various events around school happening all week to drive this curiosity. Staff have been giving mini-lectures during lunchtime, presenting for five minutes on an area of their choice with topics ranging from time travel, empathy and the invention of madness to boy bands and warrior penguins armed with lasers patrolling the edges of a flat earth. Quite a range! There have been dives into subjects within lessons; students have been exploring new material or taking a moment to investigate some of the interesting topics within a subject that we do not always get to consider within the curriculum. It’s been an environment of exploration and independent learning and students have enjoyed having the opportunity to follow their own topics of curiosity. Hearing about what they have been investigating in their own time has been great fun and very illuminating with a true variety of research under way including history and the holocaust, frogs, teeth enamel, and different types of tea!

Overview from our scholars
As academic scholars, we gave presentations to our class for Curiosity Week.They were based on debatable questions such as ‘Are plants more important than humans?’ and ‘Could we live without laws?’ We thoroughly enjoyed presenting our projects to our form.There was a lot of discussion and everyone’s thoughts and ideas were included.Our class came back with lots of opinions and questioning each other in a friendly manner. We have had lots of fun challenging our brains with these controversial debates. It kept us busy with the task but entertained us with research at the same time.We are grateful for this opportunity.
Christine, Raelyn, Diana and Navya in Upper III

Overview from Upper III
I have been learning about a lot of stuff during this week. The week has gone really quick and I have been doing my own research about a famous woman, a type of bird and a character from a book.
I have learnt about a character called Heidi and researched her from a book. I have learnt about her personality and how resilient she is when she was taken away from her grandfather. I have also learnt about how hardworking she was when she was trying to learn to read and write. She also was very kind as she was trying to save some bread rolls for her granny, until she got caught by the housekeeper.
I have also researched BBC Bitesize about a famous woman called Florence Nightingale. She looked after a lot of patients and she was considered as the Lady of the Lamp as she looked after patients at night, while carrying a lamp. She inspired a lot of women to be nurses like her and we still give out rewards to the women like her. That is how we remember her. I have also found out that she met Queen Victoria.
The other thing that I have been curious about is a bird called the Golden Eagle. I have researched the bird on BBC Wildlife. I have learnt that they are found in the Northern Hemisphere. They are a protected species although they are sometimes killed illegally, including abroad. Females are 20-30% bigger than males. Adult eagles are dark brown. The scientific name for Golden Eagle is called Aquila chrysaetos.
Manaal Upper III