Theory of Knowledge is a core part of the IB Diploma; in a nutshell, the syllabus is ‘how do we know what we know?’ and Sixth Form IB students explore this through examining their own position as a knower as well themes such as technology and language, and core Areas of Knowledge (including Maths, History, Natural Sciences, Human Sciences and The Arts).

In order to develop parents’ awareness of Theory of Knowledge, and give them an opportunity to explore the themes for themselves, on Monday evening the Theory of Knowledge team led a group of parents through a variety of activities for the inaugural ‘Cheese, Wine and ToK’ evening. The sessions covered interesting concepts such as maps as metaphors for our own perspectives, why we reach the judgements we do, how telling stories can give knowledge meaning and how far experts can change our opinions with the example of wine tasting.
We had such great interest in this first event that the team is really excited to hold another one as soon as possible. Now to pick a theme: ‘Tokking all over the world’? ‘Tick-ToK it’s ToK O’clock’? Suggestions (and puns) are very welcome!
Miss McDonald