Going to Chedworth was a great experience and definitely worth the long journey. Some of us started off making mosaics – they were small 8 by 8 squares…much smaller than the actual floors in a Roman villa. The tesserae were made of plastic and were very fiddly but everyone made one. We could have made one telling a story but most people did geometric patterns.
After we made our mosaics we went on a tour of the Roman villa and saw the inside dining room,the changing room and the hot and cold baths.

We also saw the spring where people would have burnt bread or wine for the gods in hope that they would keep giving them water. Now it has been turned into a nature reserve and there is greenery planted inside it for the wildlife. Finally after the tour was done we had lunch and then went to the gift shop.
It was a very fun and educational experience and would be worth doing again next year.
Pippa Upper lll