American Pancakes


This week in Food and Nutrition, the Lower V GCSE groups have been investigating which raising agent is the best when making American Pancakes.

After learning about the different raising agents earlier in the week, they found out how they work in practice.  They made mixtures with baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, self raising flour, whipped egg whites and lemon juice and a combination of several, and some all at once.

Erin Q considered the experiments and said “I am surprised about how many of my other GCSE choices overlap with the topics we are studying in Food.  It is so interesting, I love it!”

Here’s what Maya had to say about the class:

“This week in food and nutrition, we did an experiment to test raising agents. We used pancakes to help us do this. In the experiment, we tested pancakes with no raising agents, another with baking powder,one with self-raising flour and baking powder,triple that had self-raising flour, baking powder and lemon juice. And 2 alternatives that used a chemical raising agent and a mechanical raising agent which was whisking egg whites. I found that the best batch of pancakes had just baking powder in it. They turned out golden brown and were delicate and fluffy and tasted sweet. Overall I think this experiment was a success!”

Maya (LV)

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