Upper IV British Coronation Cheesecake Session


The learning excitement has started again in Food!  This week’s submission is the Upper IV who made cheesecake with their own homemade biscuits and a choice of strawberry or raspberry to enhance the British Summer feel.  Many of the students chose to celebrate the coronation with their work and produced some wonderful looking dishes – all made from scratch with fresh ingredients.  There were even the very first British strawberries used in one, make a wish, Summer is on its way!

Emily, Upper IV:

“So this week’s cheesecake recipe started the debate at home (again) about whether you should mix ingredients such as cheese with cake or chocolate with orange.  For the record, orange doesn’t enhance chocolate, it just makes it taste like oranges! Cheesecake however is a real crowd pleaser and so the debate goes on. For our cheesecake we baked our own biscuit base by using the rubbing in method and baking the ingredients.  You then crush your base, mix together with melted butter and leave to set.  Meanwhile you whisk sugar, cream and cheese and I whipped in some raspberries too for added flavour.  Spoon the mixture onto the biscuit base, decorate and leave to set in the fridge.  Cheesecake is definitely one for the coronation street party, it’s guaranteed to have friends queuing up for a slice.”

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