Upper I Trip


The Upper I students had a lovely morning at The River and Rowing Museum in Henley exploring the habitats of the animals from ‘The Wind in the Willows’ which is their upcoming production. 

We started the morning with a workshop, discussing some of the animals from the story, thinking about their characters, homes, food and what items you might find in their homes. 

We then went for a walk along the Thames, looking at where the animals might live and writing our own story or poem. We had some beautiful renditions of the story, with brilliant vocabulary, poetic devices and a variety of the elements that we have been teaching during our English lessons. 

Zifei wrote this lovely poem:

The rivers falling downstream, pushing the geese along. 
The rivers wearing a long silk dress, the colours are long gone. 
I can hear Mr Toad chugging down his wine, gold chinkling in his pockets and his eye swizzling in his sockets. 
Boat upon boat, tree upon tree, ducks upon docks, flowing into the sea. 

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