Upper I Residential to Avon Tyrell


Last week Upper I enjoyed their residential visit to Avon Tyrrell in the New Forest. The days were action-packed with outdoor activities from archery to the giant zip wire, canoeing to pond dipping. The fun continued into the evenings with a night walk and toasting marshmallows over a campfire.

Many personal achievements were celebrated and great determination and perseverance shown when conquering fears. 

“My greatest achievement is going on the zip-wire without screaming” Sarayu

“I am very proud of going somewhere without my parents” Flossie

” I enjoyed staying in a room with other people and playing games at night” Irene

“I enjoyed pond dipping because I got to see creatures that I have never seen before ” Myka

“I am proud of myself because I climbed higher on the climbing wall than I did at Dinton Pastures” Neve

“I am so happy that we had a residential. I’m grateful for all of the wonderful people there and for roasted marshmallows!” Amy

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