The Abbey Junior School ‘Nature’ Photography Competition


We were delighted to see such a wide variety of photographs being displayed on 27 January in the Junior School Kensington Hall.

Students from Nursery to Lower III, as well as Junior School staff, were challenged to capture an image that related to the overall theme ‘Action for Nature’.

This is related to the PYP subjects in the Spring Term. Most students chose to showcase the beauty and harmony of nature, ranging from an aerial view of a volcano to a close-up of a plant on a frosty morning.

Many images showed landscapes located in the UK or further afield, such as Paris, India, Florida – and even the North Atlantic Ocean!

Local areas were also represented and reminded us that we can witness beauty near to our doorstep. The theme was interpreted in a variety of ways, including a frozen cobweb, a moonlit sky and glowing embers in a fire.

A winning image was chosen from each year group – these budding photographers will receive a photography book to extend their skills further.

An overall winner was also chosen and will be invited to the ‘Wildlife Photography of the Year’ exhibition in London.

We hope that this event will inspire every student to experiment with using digital tools and convey important messages.

Mrs  Alniacik- Walton & Mr Stevens 


Overall – Camilla Lower I 

Nursery – Audrey 

Reception – Oliwia 

Prep – Roshan 

Upper Prep – Anayra

Lower I – Zifei

Upper I – Rosa Marie

Upper II – Irene 

Lower III – Audrey 

Staff  – Mrs McCafferty

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