Saatchi Exhibition


Thousands of visitors to the Saatchi Gallery during April have enjoyed the work of our Lower VI  artists.  The art installation ‘Catharsis’, was born out of a need for our community to express itself about the personal impact of the pandemic. 

It was the power of this collective action of writing, scrunching & casting in porcelain that caught the eye of the Saatchi, a global leader in contemporary art.  

At a reception for parents, donors, governors and members of the Reading community, Lower VI artists Olivia, Hana & Martha shared the story of ‘Catharsis’, from conception to exhibition.  

As one of our guests commented: a “fantastic achievement and amazing to hold one of these delicate sculptures cast in porcelain.  They look like the paper they were written on but are such fine pieces.” We are all enormously proud of this achievement!

Mrs Clarke

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