On Shrove Tuesday, Reception and Nursery students went on a short walk around the corner from Knell House, to visit Christ Church. On arrival, we met Father Peter the vicar, who told us about his job of running the church. Then, we explored! The children looked around the building, noticing some of its important features, including the spire, font, pulpit, eagle lectern, church organ and the beautiful stained glass windows, using a spotter sheet as a guide. After that, Father Peter answered our questions and told us a little more about the different things that we had seen. We found out that the stone carving behind the altar is called a Reredos. Back at school, what better way to consolidate our learning, than by making some Shrove Tuesday pancakes? After the Reception students had followed instructions to make the batter, the adults practised their pancake flipping skills; the pancakes were a big hit, enjoyed with a variety of toppings including lemon and sugar, strawberry sauce and whipped cream. Yum!