Paris – A Student Reflection


Last week, the LV and LVI  students who study French spent an exciting few days in Paris. The journey began with an early 4 a.m. start on Monday morning, followed by a ferry from Dover to Calais and then a coach to our hotel on the outskirts of Paris. 

After settling in, we had a delicious dinner and an early night so we were fresh for the week’s activities. We enjoyed immersive language school daily, learning about both the language and French culture. In the afternoons, we headed on excursions, including a visit to a boulangerie, where we learned all about making baguettes, breads, croissants, and pain au chocolat (we got to eat them too!). We learned about the history of French bread and pastries as well as the lifestyle of the baker.  

We walked around the beautiful Place des Vosges, the Marché couvert, and some lovely small art shops. We also visited the stunning Sacré-Cœur. On day three, we were treated to an afternoon at Parc Asterix, where we and the teachers enjoyed the many exhilarating rides… Of course, we all talked in French while enjoying the water rides and giant roller coasters! 

On the final day we followed language school with a trip to the Montparnasse train station and shopping centre to enjoy some free time and a trip up the Montparnasse Tower to enjoy the stunning 360-degree view of Paris! 

We ended our trip with a Bateaux Mouche boat cruise on the River Seine, seeing the Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, and Olympic Rings. It was a really fantastic trip. All the activities were interesting and well organised, and importantly, we had the best time together. 

I would like to make the trip again and recommend all year 9s who choose to go French next year. I learned so much and enjoyed it greatly! C’était formidable!


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