Mr Baker Becomes A Micro:bit Champion


Mr Baker was selected to be a Micro:bit champion. He is one of a handful in the country to achieve this global recognition. The Micro:bit is a small single-board computer that can be easily programmed to complete many tasks using an array of sensors and outputs. It can also be connected to other components in order to expand its functionality. In addition to being a fantastic introduction to using hardware for students, the Micro:bit can be used to control real-world systems such as in irrigation, robots, air conditioning and other control systems. You may have read in previous editions of The Gateway about the students in Upper IV building robots with Micro:bits and currently Upper III students are using them to track endangered animals to help achieve one of the UN sustainable development goals.

Mr Baker said “I was honoured this Easter to be selected for the position of Micro:bit Champion. It is a prestigious role in the Micro:bit organisation that will see me promote the Micro:bit by running events and workshops at The Abbey and other schools and libraries in and around Reading. I look forward to running these events to enthuse students in the use of Micro:bits and to encourage school teachers and leaders to harness the power of the Micro:bit in their lessons.”

For more information about the Micro:bit, see
For more about the UN sustainable development goals:

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