The Classics Department organised an Ancient Civilisations Day for Lower IV. This involved a trip to the URE Museum of Greek Archaeology at Reading University with a range of activities with dancing being the most popular. We also had an in-house Ancient World Travel Symposium devised by Ms Burrows where togas were the order of the day and competition was keen to win the Best Ancient World Destination crown.

Harriet: I found the day immensely fascinating because it broadened my knowledge on the ancient civilisations in Greece, Egypt and Italy. There were multiple events. My favourite was the Ancient World Travel Symposium competition that took place. We had to make a presentation on a city and carry out research about it, not only encouraging teamwork but also allowing us to suck up information on places we wouldn’t usually find out about. My group was given the city of Sparta located in Greece.

Anoushka. A: We also went to the URE Museum of Greek Archaeology which was an enjoyable experience. My favourite part was learning about all of the different pots that they used, and trying to guess what they were used for. For example, I learnt that smaller pots with longer necks were usually used for perfume and oils because you only needed a little bit of it. Looking at the various artefacts was fun, and it was interesting to see the things the people of those times made vessels and how similar yet different they are to the items we use today. Overall, I think it was an amazing day and I am glad we did it!