Diversity and Inclusion in Modern Foreign Languages


Students of Modern Languages enjoyed discovering how LGBTQ+ month was celebrated in France, Germany and Spain in February. They discussed the implications of diversity and inclusion in modern foreign languages and realised how much languages are subject to change to reflect modern societies.  

Upper IV AL students wrote: During our French lesson, we focused on the LBGTQ+ community in France, as well as the importance of inclusivity within the language. As French words are typically either “feminine” or “masculine,” it was interesting to learn about how many French people use “.” to break adjective agreements and the gender neutral pronoun “iel” as a way to make the language more inclusive.  We believe that learning about the LGBTQ+ community in countries different to our own is important as it allows us to recognise the different ways in which other cultures overcome these barriers while acknowledging the difficulties this can pose for the non-binary communities. 

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