The senior school enjoyed its annual Curiosity Week last week. This is part of the Abbey Ideas and Passion programme and is an annual event enabling learners across the school to engage with their curiosity.
During the week events took place including student-led mini-lectures, staff mini-lectures, a ‘How to be curious’ event, Curiosity in lessons and table talks with lower school students being able to discuss KS5 subjects including Philosophy and Psychology.
Students in lower school are not given any subject homework during the week, which enables them to focus on their own curiosity. In assembly, students learnt that internally led curiosity allows the most skills and interests to grow. To then fulfil our curiosity leads to us feeling good and allows students to develop their learning skills.
Throughout the event students enjoyed participating in sessions and the mini-lectures; this year the series was contributed to by staff and students. Topics included a fascinating talk on bubbles, bees and buildings. There was a talk on whether we can hypnotise chickens and a reflection on the impact of a Monet painting amongst many other interesting talks. Students and staff across the whole school came to watch. Many left talking about the big questions raised; Had one man really saved the world? Will AI really take over the world? Where have the seeds in oranges gone?
Students enjoyed the week. Here is what two Lower IV students reported on the event:
“This curiosity week was a fun experience for us.
“The mini lectures were especially fun to go and listen to, although it may not sound very exciting, they were actually very funny and interesting. Thanks to all the teachers who put effort into them; they were great.
“The curiosity week encouraged us to research something that we wanted to find out, so we made some slides or a document summarising what we learnt at the end of the week, also having google slides provided by teachers to keep track of our daily curiosity activities. A good opportunity to learn something new, of our choice.
“Overall, it was a enjoyable week and we look forward to it next year”
Isha & Ayesha, LIVP