After trying out a sample print last week, on Wednesday Upper Prep carved out their polystyrene Christmas printing block designs. It was fantastic to see such care and dedication towards their sketch and the thought put into how their wrapping paper would look.
Each child then chose a Christmas colour to use and rolled out their printing ink. They then applied it to the block and printed a repeating pattern onto their wrapping paper. There was so much fun to be had, all the students loved watching the prints come to life, and creating their tessellating pictures.
They needed to use their knowledge of shape from Maths this term and counting skills to work out how many prints they would need, they had to problem solve ways to share out the ink and work out how much to put onto their printing block.
Upper Prep are very much looking forward to giving their wrapping paper as gifts to their parents and carers!
Included as part of our creative industries celebration