Bebras Computing – Juniors


For the first time this year, all Junior School students from Upper Preparatory to Lower III (Years 2-6) took part in Bebras UK, an international computing competition with over 360,000 participants worldwide. This week the results are in!

The Junior School students did brilliantly, putting their minds to the test with unique logic puzzles and achieving scores in each year group that outperformed national benchmarks. In particular, our Lower IIIs averaged a score almost 18% higher than the national average. Well done!

Everyone who took part will get a certificate and special congratulations go to Kaira, Atta, Ella, Carissa, Sissi and Mishca, all in Lower III (Year 6) who achieved in the top ten percent nationally and receive the Bebras Gold Award. 

Excitingly, they have also been invited to take part in the 2023 Oxford University Computing Challenge which will take place in school in January.

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