Coding at The Abbey


Everybody should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think. – Steve Jobs

Why we think it is important to teach every student at The Abbey how to code.

You may not have noticed, but it is EU Code week “celebrating creativity, problem solving and collaboration through programming … The idea [of the week] is to make programming more visible, to show [students] how you bring ideas to life with code, to demystify these skills and bring motivated people together to learn.”

Here at The Abbey we believe that learning to code is so important to the students of today that it is part of the curriculum right up to Upper IV and students can continue to study it through the GCSE and A Level or IB. Students not taking Computer Science are even invited to join age-appropriate Coding Clubs to ensure they have the right skills for the modern age.

We asked a generative AI program why it was so important to learn coding skills. Amongst it’s answers were these great suggestions;

Empowerment: Learning to code empowers young people to create solutions to problems that matter to them. They can be the change-makers, developing tools and software to address social and environmental issues.

Global Perspective: Coding is a universal language. It connects young people with others worldwide and helps them think on a global scale. It also promotes collaboration and sharing of knowledge across borders.

Academic Advantages: Coding often involves mathematics and logical thinking. These skills can be transferred to other subjects and lead to improved academic performance

Future-Proofing: As automation and AI advance, some jobs will become obsolete, but coding skills will remain valuable. Learning to code prepares the youth for a future where technology plays an increasingly central role in society and the workplace.”

Mr Bradley, Head of Computer Science at the Senior School, added “Coding promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It teaches you how to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts and come up with systematic solutions. It also allows students to express their creativity. It allows them to create software, websites, apps, and solutions for the topics they are passionate about.”

Students at The Abbey Senior School learn Python from Upper III to Upper V and then Java in the Sixth Form. They are encouraged to learn to code in these languages on age-appropriate platforms that include Minecraft Education Edition, MIMO, Replit and CodeWars. So a student taking Computer Science throughout the school will leave The Abbey competent in two of the most popular and powerful programming languages as well as having the algorithmic thinking and problem solving skills that learning these bring.

If you wish to learn more about how to learn coding, for yourself or your child, or you are in a position to support our students; being a female role model in the industry and coming in to talk to our students or similar for example, please do contact Mr Bradley via the school office email.

Image created using Adobe Firefly, a generative AI tool, with the prompt "illustration of a group of teenage girls learning coding"

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