The Poetry Café


As part of our celebration of the creative industries this year, The Poetry Café was back at The Abbey this past Tuesday night in conjunction with Reading Stanza’s Poetry Café at South Street Theatre. Hosts Katherine Meehan and Vic Pickup of South Street’s Poetry Café welcomed multiple- prize-winning poet, Ellora Sutton, during the evening that served as a celebration of all things verse.

In addition to her previously published work and latest works in progress, Ellora’s reading also treated us to material from her latest verse collection, Artisanal Slush. Inspiration flowed from the audience as well. Parents and students in attendance wrote verse on the especially covered tables during the evening and several students from Kendrick, Reading School and The Abbey took it in turn to share their own fantastic work during the open mic section of the event, bringing the Café to a close in what was a true celebration of the written word.

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