IB Biology Field Trip


IB biologists and ESS students had the pleasure of collecting data for their various Internal Assessments during their IB Biology and ESS field trip on Tuesday 18 June.

We all got a taster of what it would be like to be an ecologist or environmental scientist collecting data for a research paper. It was a challenging day that required us to be independent and solve problems as they arose (of which there were a number). Here’s what we thought… 

“We came away with a newfound appreciation for nature, a good set of results, and a number of insect bites!”

“It was a lovely break in the wildlife from this hectic time of year !”

“The wonderful weather eased the process of hundreds of measurements!”

“It was an experience! But our wonderful staff, experts in the IB, were a great support throughout the process.” 

“ As an avid nature fan, I gained skills that will definitely come in useful in my future endeavours as a tree lover.” 

“The day was very useful for collecting my data, and I am now ready to write up my IA”

A big thank you to Mrs Buck, Dr Spencer, Mrs Riches and Mrs Gray (and our favourite cult leader James) for their knowledge and for putting up with us. 

By the IB biologists

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