10U Gold Medal in Tennis


Elsie in Lower I was victorious in her recent 10u tennis tournament at Brunel University on 18 May. She was playing Grade 5 (Girls’ singles) and played five matches – winning them all.

Tennis tournaments for 10U (green ball) are open to children born in 2014 or 2015 and 9U orange ball to those born in 2015 or 2016. Although Elsie is still eligible to play 9U, she prefers to play green tennis ball.

Her next ambition is to play 10U tournaments at a higher level at grade 1, 2 or 3. She has previously played in grade 4S and to demonstrate her enormous potential, Elsie won a silver medal at the event held at Wargrave Lawn Tennis Club.

After first starting to play when she was four years old, only the enforced covid break stopped her progress, and now she is winning tournaments. Bravo Elsie!

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