Young Writers


Margaret in Upper III made this gingerbread house over Christmas as she missed the snow! She also put together a poem that she sent off to a Young Writers January 2023 competition and she promises to keep us updated.

Who knows? 

The glacial temperature, the chill in the air, the lacy gowned snowflakes
Bring Winter
It creeps upon us, haunting us is the night, yet still nobody knows
The presents under the tree are stolen on the night before Christmas Eve,
By the wailing wind around, the fog of the cold Winter’s air, the crisp leaves which fall to the ground, yet still nobody knows
The tinsel hanged from pine to pine, which was put by grinning children starts to slip away, and the smiles on their faces fades, yet still nobody knows
The decorations hanged are tired of looking nice, making the colour go away, yet still nobody knows,
The happy spirit of the house dies away, yet still nobody knows
And when Christmas Eve awakes, when someone walks on the iced rooftop, when someone slips down the chimney, when someone tip-toes into the living room and finds the Christmas tree haunted, it brightens up!
The colour comes back, and everyone knows,
The tinsel rejoices, and everyone knows,
The presents skip back, and everyone knows
Christmas is saved! 
But by who?
Yet, still nobody knows.

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