Yesterday (2/2/23) Upper II visited the Winchester Science Museum ! We had an amazing time exploring the exhibitions both about Space and Sound. We also spent some time in a workshop in which we conducted two experiments , a laser maze and an experiment to work out the best material to cover our satellites in. We then spent time wearing special glasses that showed us the different types of light! We loved the rainbow effect. We concluded our trip in the planetarium learning about different star constellations and their names. Our favourite was the Great Bear constellation. We also travelled through space to all of the planets in our solar system. Did you know Neptune is blue because its atmosphere absorbs infrared light and reflects blue light ?
Jasmine Upper II “My favourite thing was the planetarium because we got to learn about each individual planet and the sun!”
Sophie Upper II “I enjoyed exploring the space exhibition! There was a secret illusion room that made you look smaller or bigger depending on where you stood! “
Meiyu Upper II “ I loved the planetarium because we got to see the universe and explore the planets in more detail. “
We look forward to learning more about Space in our Science lessons and Unit of Inquiry during the summer.