Upper II had a fantastic time on their residential trip to Juniper Hall. The four day trip consisted of multiple science and geography based activities, the children were able to enjoy the beautiful weather and countryside, investigating habitats and the nature around them!

As part of the trip Upper II travelled to a local river to observe the wildlife that lives inside! The students were able to measure and explore the river, walking through to feel the current and bend in the water! Upper II students also had the opportunity to use a compass and orienteer around the woods, with each student reading a clue and guiding the group back to the main house.

The Upper II’s also got to test their skills of shelter building and
In the evenings, the Upper II students were involved in a range of activities, from star gazing to campfires, we even caught 3 wood mice!
Above all it was a brilliant opportunity to bond with each other and develop friendships that will last forever!