U13 Netball


After the tournament was rained off a couple of weeks ago, the U13 A and B netball squads finally got their chance to participate in their South East Berkshire tournament. The Bs had a very tough pool, finishing 3rd before playing off for 5th/6th against St Mary’s Ascot, only going down by one goal! The As came 2nd in their tournament for the second year running! See Anushka’s thoughts below:

On Monday 28 November our team played in a tournament where we seemed unbeatable, until the final. We started off with a draw and after that everything seemed to be going our way. In our second game, we were caught in a tight draw until the very end and in the last few seconds Alexa took a shot and scored – the winning goal! Without that one goal we probably wouldn’t have been able to get through to the final. It was quite a tough competition but we all pulled through until the very end. We all had our chance to shine from the starting whistle to the unfortunate end to the last game. Happy we had got this far, we left with shining silver medals and our second place title.

Anushka (A team tournament captain)

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