Theory of knowledge (ToK) plays a special role in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, by providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on ‘how we know what we claim to know’. Whilst it is central to the educational philosophy of the IB, it can sometimes be hard to explain how it works in practice. Therefore the ToK team of Miss McDonald, Dr Gannon and Mrs Jest put on the second of our series of ToK parent taster events to give parents a chance to take part in ToK-style activities centred on an appropriately seasonal theme, Christmas. The sessions covered a wide range of topics, from exploring whether Christmas adverts reflect our culture or are pure emotional manipulation, how far your Christmas decorations and food reflects who you are and your personal values, and the symbols of Christmas over time.
Parents also had a go at the ‘ToK Exhibition’ which LVI IB students complete by selecting a prompt about knowledge ranging from issues such as the role of imagination, judgement, culture and personal experience. The students then have to respond to these prompts by using ‘objects’ to explore the themes and ideas. We had a selection of seasonal objects at the ready for parents to use to explore some of the same prompts used by the students themselves in class.
Overall it was a really enjoyable evening and fun for the ToK team to have a go at ‘teaching’ the parents! Please do look out for the next ToK Parent Taster event and come along for some brain gymnastics.